Diskover in action: Proven solutions, measurable impacts.
Learn how our customers and partners use Diskover to sustainably manage their data and automate their file-based workflows.
CASE STUDY | Illuminate Hollywood on Managing Modern Data Loads
Illuminate Hollywood on Managing Modern Data Loads Illuminate Hollywood’s project portfolio is as rich as its history, with the company having provided production, post, and…
CASE STUDY | Light Iron on Making Data-Driven Storage Decisions
Light Iron on Making Data-Driven Storage Decisions For modern post houses, managing petabytes of data across a facility can be taxing, but with AJA Diskover Media…
CASE STUDY | Roundabout Talks Storage and Data Management in an Era of Ever-Increasing File Sizes
Roundabout Talks Storage and Data Management in an Era of Ever-Increasing File Sizes Virtual production, UltraHD, and high dynamic range (HDR) workflows may be driving…
CASE STUDY | IDC on Meeting Modern Media Processing Demands
IDC on Meeting Modern Media Processing Demands Preparing new and legacy entertainment for global audience distribution has grown increasingly complex between the advent of remote…