Visit Diskover Data at NAB 2022 📌
We are thrilled to be partnering with many major companies and for our software to be integrated in different workflows! We will be present and available to demo our software every day, so please contact us to schedule a day, place and time.
Sunday April 24, from 1pm to 5pm
We will be in Qumulo‘s booth N1721. We will be demonstrating an automated workflow, which includes Telestream GLIM and Vantage software integration with our AJA Diskover Media Edition, allowing end-users to have seamless access via Diskover’s user interface. We will also discuss how Diskover’s integration with Qumulo SHIFT data mover technology empowers users to easily curate their data, when data movement operations are required in a workflow.
Diskover’s ubiquitous presence during the show
- AJA Video Systems suites in West Hall W4230MR, W4231MR, W4331MR
- Cinesys suite Westgate 28th Floor Suite B
- AWS/TrackIt booth West Hall W3500
While the workflow we will demonstrate is designed for localization services, the same logic can be applied for other media workflows. There are many benefits to these integrations and we are looking forward to discuss them with you at NAB.
TrackIt ↔ Diskover
TrackIt has a long and successful history with the Diskover team and are happy to help our mutual customers improve their workflows. By combining best-in-class storage data analytics from Diskover with TrackIt’s “last-mile” software integration and automation capabilities, media facilities can accelerate their time to delivery, reduce costs, and enhance accuracy and repeatability in their businesses.
You can’t be at NAB?
Please schedule a remote demo so you can learn about all the byproducts of automated workflows and scheduled tasks.
We are looking forward to see you there!