CASE STUDY | IDC on Meeting Modern Media Processing Demands

IDC on Meeting Modern Media Processing Demands 

Preparing new and legacy entertainment for global audience distribution has grown increasingly complex between the advent of remote workflows and the growth of media file sizes. Add security demands into the mix, and post production and digital media processing services, like those provided by IDC, are imperative. The bi-coastal company serves clients worldwide. IDC-LA sat down with us recently to talk about their efforts to automate data processing, making content delivery and organization more efficient and economical for customers. 

Read the full article.

“We knew Diskover Media Edition would be a great fit from the start, with the built-in automation tools and ties to MediaPulse. It’s more than lived up to our expectations. The software has made file scanning so quick, and it automatically indexes all our file systems every 30 minutes.”

Mike Tosti, Director of Production Engineering

“Our customer service reps would be working blindly without workflows; they’d have to constantly ask the client where the files live. We have all the file information we need in a centralized, easy- to-access location – from the audio configuration to its contents. Whereas before, finding the file, sending it to an operator, pulling it up, and finding the required info took a lot of back and forth; it’s streamlined operations.”

Rosanna Marino, COO

AJA Diskover Media Edition icon and logo for dark background representing the partnership between AJA Video Systems and Diskover Data to offer a data management and data curation software to resolve the media asset file management problems by offering a global index view of unstructured data, data analysis, storage cost management tools, and media and entertainment specific plugins.
IDC-LA Logo - A Client of Diskover Data Curation Software
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Icon of the AWS Marketplace where Diskover can be easily deployed and tested.
This image is the GitHub logo. Diskover has a huge presence on GitHub and offers its free open-source Community software on that platform.
This image is the Slack logo which is a platform used by Diskover Data Curation Platform to offer community support for all clients and especially people using the open-source free community solution.
This image is the LinkedIn logo which is used to link the Diskover Data Curation Software team to their LinkedIn profile.
This image is the icon of an email used on the Diskover Data contact page as a way to reach the company.
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