Illegal File Name Plugin

Diskover Introduces A New Data Integrity Tool

Illegal File Name Plugin


The plugin analyzes, tags, and reports on file and directory names within Diskover’s indices for illegal characters and long file names that can break applications and workflows.

This process allows to proactively identify and rectify those problematic items before they create havoc. Optionally, the plugin can automatically rename the offending files and directories.

Tagging and Reporting

Offending file and/or directory names are automatically tagged with the corresponding non-conformance (illegalname and/or longname), triggering a detailed report sent via email. These tags easily become searchable, reportable, and actionable.

Optional Automatic Renaming

The plugin can be configured to automate the remediation of these problematic issues. Furthermore, the plugin offers the possibility to do a trial run, allowing the creation of a log of what the names would be changed to without actually changing the names. This process lets users experiment and validate the results so the variables can be adjusted if needed.

Renaming Example | Illegal Characters

Users can customize the plugin to only detect characters that are considered illegal for their own environment. In this example, the most common illegal characters and spaces are replaced with underscores:

test 08/01/2023#illegal(file)name would change to test_08_01_2023_illegal_file_name

Renaming Example | Long File Name

When it comes to long file and directory names, users can also customize the parameters using values relevant to their specific environment. The following are the default values in the Diskover config file.

With Diskover, sustainably, affordably, and efficiently manage the life cycle of all your data.

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