Governance, Risk, and Compliance

Sustainable Data Management is KEY for Governance, Risk, and Compliance Strategy

Diskover Data works with firms specializing in GRC, PII, PCI DSS, and data ROT using our data management software as part of their solution. Contact us and take the first step in protecting your business and data.

Simple graphic with the major steps when assessing data in Governance, risk management, and compliance and how Diskover can help with global data findability and searchability. Data Management is a key component for GRC, PII, PCI DSS, and data ROT strategies.

Nobody can fully prepare for uncontrollable risks but identifying the data that can expose you to potentially harmful events is key in your data protection planning.

Private data breaches can be due to both internal and external factors. The need to protect your sensitive data by knowing where it lives is critical yet difficult if your files are spread throughout different storage repositories.

Between the reality of more people working remotely and the transition to cloud and SaaS environments, the difficulty of mitigating risks has significantly increased as your data is now spread to various locations. The lack of visibility and searchability of all your data is a huge problem that could have catastrophic consequences.

In addition, a major misconception is that risk assessment is a one-time event and only applies to large organizations when in reality they need to be conducted on a regular basis by companies big and small. Don’t wait to be in a reactive crisis management situation that could result in financial and reputational harm.

Knowing where your sensitive data is located at all times along with consistent and methodical risk mitigation analysis decreases the likelihood of exposure. Diskover’s global visibility, searchability, and analytic tools can assist you with significantly alleviating your risk factors. Our software can index petabytes of data at a phenomenal speed therefore quickly helping you in locating sensitive and ROT data, which are key elements in your GRC planning.

Sustainably take control of ALL your data with Diskover.

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Icon of the AWS Marketplace where Diskover can be easily deployed and tested.
This image is the GitHub logo. Diskover has a huge presence on GitHub and offers its free open-source Community software on that platform.
This image is the Slack logo which is a platform used by Diskover Data Curation Platform to offer community support for all clients and especially people using the open-source free community solution.
This image is the LinkedIn logo which is used to link the Diskover Data Curation Software team to their LinkedIn profile.
This image is the icon of an email used on the Diskover Data contact page as a way to reach the company.
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